Asterisk Call-Center Gurus Speak

From highly skilled professionals to world-renowned experts, we know the key opinion leaders in the global Asterisk call-center community.

Jose Montes - Channel Manager at VitalPBX - speaks about QueueMetrics and VitalPBX integration benefits


Jose Montes works as the Channel Manager for VitalPBX, and has been part of the project since its beginnings.
With over 7 years of experience in computer networking, and working with top connoisseurs of the telephony business and a full Asterisk Development team.
For the past 10 years, Jose has focused on Call Center, Internet Security, and Networking with businesses in various regions of the Americas.

For more information please refer to VitalPBX's Corporate Website at:

Jose Antonio Montes, Channel Manager of VitalPBX.

Q: Could you please summarize for our readers your company profile, your target customer and reference market?

VitalPBX is PBX software company based of the US, originated in Delaware with Offices in Miami, Panama, Nicaragua, and Honduras. The company started around 2011-2012 as a need for a new Asterisk Management Platform.
Since around that time, the leading software was going through some changes. Back then, the project was called ‘Astrivox’ by Telesoft S.A. of Nicaragua, and was a very simple software. Then, between 2013-2014 Telesoft S.A. joined forces with Xorcom from Israel to formalize development of the project, and thus the ‘Ombutel' project started.
After years of working together, in 2017, Telesoft S.A. and Xorcom part ways in good terms as the vision of each company was different.
The Ombutel Project is then handed back solely to Telesoft S.A. From that moment, it was decided that the project must be its own company and its own force for it to become successful, so then it was decided to startup VitalPBX LLC as the owners of the project.
From then on we have continued to develop VitalPBX to make it the best PBX we can.

In terms of our target customer, we could say it would be system integrators and the enterprise market, as our team comes from the traditional enterprise telephony field, so we have built-in tools that would target that market specifically.

Q: What kind of benefits do you experience using QueueMetrics in combination with VitalPBX?

We believe that the biggest benefit for using the combination between VitalPBX and QueueMetrics would be the satisfaction that the end-user will have by combing both softwares.
VitalPBX has various tools that were built for a Call Center environment, so combining it with a software as well-known as QueueMetrics users will find themselves in a very comfortable environment.

Q: What are the key factors which make a successful VitalPBX based call-centre?

We would say a good workflow, understanding your tools, and knowing your operations.

Q: How can your customers benefit from QueueMetrics and VitalPBX integration for the call center management?

VitalPBX users will find an option in QueueMetrics to satisfy their business needs. VitalPBX users that are familiarized with the QueueMetrics environment will surely be very pleased to know about this integration.

Q: Mr. Montes, what’s your view on the Asterisk call-center industry future in the next two years?

The Call-Center market is all growing very rapidly as a whole.
Asterisk-based systems have become more imposing on the telephony market, as it is a very economical, reliable, and modern way of having telephony implementations.
As many of the tools and features that this types of systems can have is virtually limitless.
So, we can only expect for this market to get exponentially bigger in the coming two-years and more.
