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Asterisk call center survey 2018, we need your help.


Want to know more about Asterisk call-center market? Help us with the 2018 call center market Survey.

In 2014 Loway released the first Asterisk call center satisfaction survey. We ran the survey as a tool to analyze satisfaction on existing QueueMetrics users. But results went on the direction of an overview of the Asterisk call-center industry in 2014 - 2015.

Now it's time to propose it again and we need your support:

Which model of PBX is the most used?

How satisfied are customers around the world?

How big are Asterisk call-centers today?

The survey will take less than 5 minutes and responses are anonymous. You can sign in and receive a copy of the final survey in October 2018, or remaining anonymous if you prefer.

Follow the link to access the survey

We really want to thank YOU for every second of your time invested in the survey.
